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    • #9126
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      Hi! I am currently a second semester junior in nursing school. My mom is a nurse in a leadership/management position, so I worked at her hospital as a unit secretary on the 7-3 shift this past summer since I didn’t have the required clinicals (med surg) to be a student nurse; I still learned a lot but I am looking forward to working as a student this summer. The commute, however, is an hour (which I don’t mind since my mom takes me when she works 7-3 Monday through Friday). The student nurse position requires that I work some week-day evenings & some weekend evenings, so that means that I will have to drive by myself. I am going to apply to other hospitals that are closer in distance than my mom’s work, but it is not guaranteed that I will get the job (I already know that I will get the position as a student at my mom’s work). I really enjoyed working there, I’m familiar with navigating throughout the hospital, and I met so many friends/great people. I would love to work there again as a student, but my mom warned me that I can’t complain about driving home so late on days/weekends that I work evenings. One of the nurses (in her late 50s) that I became friends with

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