Apply for National Association of Hispanic Nurses Scholarships

Annually, National Association of Hispanic Nurses Scholarships are awarded to NAHN members who demonstrate promise of professional contributions to the nursing profession and who have the potential to act as role models for other aspiring nursing students.

NAHN’s goal is to raise the level of professionalism of Latino nurses.

The number and types of scholarships offered depend on the amount of money in the scholarship fund.

Eligible Nursing Degrees:

  • Associate’s (including Diploma)
  • BSN
  • Accelerated BSN
  • MSN
  • Entry Level Masters/Direct Entry MSN
  • DNP
  • PhD

Scholarship Amount:

Awards vary from $3,000 to $10,000, depending on the type of NAHN scholarship and available funds.

National Association of Hispanic Nurses Scholarships Eligibility & Requirements:

  • You must be a NAHN member who is in good standing.
  • You must be attending/enrolled in an accredited full-time nursing program. 
  • Academic recommendation letter confirming academic performance, involvement, potential, and details of the scholarship applied for.
  • A recommendation from a local NAHN Chapter President or National NAHN Board Member about membership and participation (required for AZCN scholarship, optional for others).
  • Current nursing program transcripts. Digital copies or mailed official transcripts are accepted. First-semester students can submit their most recent transcripts. Selected recipients will need to provide official university transcripts.
  • Resume or CV.
  • Proof of enrollment in a nursing program.
  • A personal essay of up to 500 words. For the AZCN Scholarship, the essay should discuss career goals, focus, financial need, and community impact starting with “An AZCN-NAHN Scholarship will allow me to…”.

Read: How to Write a Killer Scholarship Personal Statement: Definitive Guide With Examples


  • March 22


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