Thinking of Quitting Nursing School

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      I am in my eighth week of nursing school. I have two little girls ages 6 and 7. I work weekends on a specialty unit in a hospital to pay for my education. I am learning a lot there and it has been really good for applying the knowledge to my education. I knew that the work load would be significant and balancing school, work, and children would be tough. I was prepared to take it all on because I thought that if I can get through two years of it, everything would be worth it.

      But the truth is, I feel like I’m not handling it. I’m constantly studying and still feeling like I can’t catch up. I’m having a hard time participating in a good study group because I’m not making positive connections with my classmates. The ones we do have are chaotic and unproductive. My teachers are awesome but there is one teacher that seems to be working against us rather than for us and she is the class that we need to pass in order to move on in the program. As a result, I am overwhelmed and I am starting to resent nursing.

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