squeamish nursing student

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      Im entering my senior year of nursing school and absolutely love it. I have years of experience as a CNA and have always been fine with poo, blood, vomit, etc so it took me by surprise when I realized I’m more squeamish than expected. It all started with my L&D clinical where I was apart of my first delivery. It was a rather traumatic delivery and being new to the field, it really shocked me and I almost fainted- dizzy, cold and clammy, ears ringing, vision spotty. After that, saw an epidural, same thing happened. I still loved the idea of being in L&D so I did an externship in a women’s unit over the summer and got more exposure to it but I was still very hesitant and timid because of being afraid of fainting. Fast forward to this semester, watching a G-tube insertion, PICC line placement, and even IUD removal has made me have the same reaction. I almost think at this point it’s anxiety and fear going into procedures knowing that it’ll probably happen and it does. What the heck? I thought I’d be fine? Is anyone else out there facing this or has overcome this with any advice? I don’t want this to hinder my career because I want to be a nurse and go on to be an NP.

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