Schooling Decisions

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      I am currently a 21 year old male CNA in Wisconsin, and I am going to a four year school to get my BSN. I transferred from a different school after a year, but I still have 3.5 years left. I am looking into getting my ADN at a tech school that would only take about 2 years for multiple reasons. I’m not a fan of the school I’m going to, and I also don’t enjoy the area that I live in. If I went the ADN route, it would be easier for me to move out of the area into some place I would be happier living at. Either route I go, I want to finish my BSN. If I get my ADN, then I would immediately get my BSN while I started working as an RN. Not only do I want to get my BSN, but I am entertaining the idea of working to get my MSN or DPN in the future. With all of this in mind, I am wondering if going the ADN to BSN route would not be as beneficial as receiving my BSN from a typical four year college. I’m not sure if that would affect my ability to gain entrance to any MSN/DPN programs. Overall, I want to go the ADN to BSN route to cut down on time until I can start working as a RN and have more ability to move out of where I am now, but I don’t want to compromise the chances of getting into a graduates program to become an NP if that is what I want to do in the future. Thanks for your time!

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