Quitting Nursing School (For good)

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      Today’s a bittersweet feeling because I’ve made up my mind that I do not want to continue on in the Nursing Program. I just completed my first week of classes and I’ve realized that I don’t have the energy or the passion for the profession like I thought I did. My classmates were wonderful and my professor was actually nice and easygoing. Even with all of the endless opportunities that nursing has to offer, I just can’t see myself going through with any of it. I’ve lost complete interest in the whole idea of Nursing. I have a new respect for nurses like I’ve never had before, to go through the schooling, you really have to have a passion to be a nurse and be dedicated. I have neither and I will be going into the IT field after taking a break for this semester. I kind of had to make faster decision because of the tight rope I have with financial aid and I wanted to drop everything now so it wouldn’t be negatively affected. With this time off, I’ve decided to get help for my anxiety and just relax. Good luck to the new and existing Nursing students (especially in Ohio :p ) I’m routing for you guys!! I want to thank all of the people who’ve answered my questions on this site and who’ve given me so much support. Its greatly appreciated, you guys have made this process so much easier!

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