My nursing school start next January. However, I was offered a job at a rehabilitation hospital, but they require me to have CNA license or at least finish my first semester of nursing (it’s state law and they can’t make exception). The nurse manager that I had talked to suggested that I should get the license which gonna take about a month or so. It will be quicker rather than waiting half a year to step foot in the work force. They will reimburse my education and have flexible schedule that will fit my schooling. Everything sounds good but I don’t want to go through the CNA traning+test+background check again (I already did my background check for nursing school but they require me to start it over?!?!!!). HELP! any advice helps! I’ve just done with the Hesi and got an 86 overall, I’m employed and go to school full time. It is hard to take on another test right now. What should I do? Thanks!