Nursing School Not For Me

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      I just started nursing school last week and am realizing nursing is not for me. I don’t like it and it took me 3 years of trying to get to nursing school and now that I am finally here I realize it’s not what I want in a career. But, I know that is what life is like sometimes, you have to experience things firsthand before you know. I had this dream of being a nurse and I really didn’t even know what the job entailed. It was just the allure of being a nurse I guess. So, I spent the past few years working on my pre-requisites for nursing school and even got my CNA license and started working in long term care. I didn’t like that and I didn’t like what I saw with the nurses either. But, in my mind I kept telling myself “you got this far just keep going and deal with it” and my whole support system kept saying the same thing. So, a week before nursing school I felt so much anxiety and depression and I really didn’t want to even show up. But, I did and now I know for sure that it’s just not for me. I literally forced myself to go and even aced my first exam in med calc, but that feeling that I didn’t really want to be there still hung in the air. I finally broke down and called my parents crying. I’m lucky I realized this now because I’m still in the window to drop my classes and get a refund. I feel like a quitter and I feel bad about it, but I just can’t continue on. Has anyone else experienced this? I definitely would like a career in the health sciences field. I’ve been looking into physical therapy assistant or occupational therapy assistant to start. Maybe I need to talk to a career counselor as well. Any thoughts anyone? TIA!

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