Hello, I’m feeling pretty stuck right now and would like some feedback on what others have felt. When I applied to nursing school, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do as a career so I applied. I ended up getting in on my first try(rarely happens in my area apparently), and decided that that was fate pushing me in that direction. I ended up really enjoying my first year but in between first and second my dad passed suddenly. I decided to continue with the program without taking any time off and am now halfway through my second semester of my second year. However, I have began to realize I don’t have that passion that so many people seem to have for nursing. I like the patient interaction but hate the schooling side of it. I feel like nursing is important and needs to be done and therefore I should stay. But my dad was always a proponent of doing a job you enjoy since you will be spending so much time in your life doing it. So that mentality is pulling me away, thinking I should drop out. My real passion is animals, painting and writing but it’s it’s not a stable job and therefore didn’t go Tag route career-wise. Also, I’ve always been responsible. I’m 21 have never some drugs, don’t drink, go to bed at 10 pm, exercise, don’t break any rules. I feel like that side of me pushed me to continue to go through school instead of take time off.