Is there a light at the end of this tunnel?

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    • #8730
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      I never dreamed of being a nurse. In fact, I dreamed of avoiding that profession like the plague. As a child, I watched my mom working hard: first as a respiratory therapist and later struggle through the challenges of nursing school. Once she began her nursing career, she would often come home stressed and exhausted when she would share her experiences at work that were never positive.  It didn’t seem very appealing to me. I would instead become a lawyer or maybe even a veterinarian since I loved animals so much. When I graduated high school, I entered college with no real plan for my future. I dropped out and got involved in many of the wrong things. I became pregnant at the age of 20 and soon realized I would have a child depending on me to provide. My prospects at the time were looking very bleak. I worked through my pregnancy as a waitress until the DAY I gave birth.

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