Is it worth taking time off from school if I dont love it?

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      Long story short, I thought I always wanted to go into the medical field. I graduated with a degree in biology in May, and started an ABSN program in September (after months of working on applications). A month before the program started I got cold feet, and questioned if I actually wanted to do this. I work as a CNA in a LTC and I absolutely hate it, and get anxiety going into work. I am still questioning school as well. I dont particularly enjoy the classes, and Im finding it hard to see myself working as a nurse, especially because it seems we are all being funneled into hospital nursing. My first clinicals have been in maternity, and I feel like I should be enjoying it, but Im not. I know there is so much more going on, but all I can see is pass meds, educate, and change dressings.

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