I would Love to go to Chamberlain College but…

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      I have recently made the decision to go back to school for nursing. I initially went to school for health information and graduated with my associates and got a job as a medical coder at a hospital a year ago. While I do like what I do I just always thought that nursing was my passion but unfortunately at the time I wasn’t able to go because that would’ve required a lot of my time and I just had had my son and didn’t have no one to watch him while I went to school so I just decided it might be better for me to go to school online. I went to DeVry university and I did enjoy it however, DeVry is pretty expensive as you probably already know. Now that my son is a bit older and I live closer to my parents they have agreed to watch him while I go to school. I really want to go to Chamberlain school of nursing because I’ve heard and read so many great things about the school and I wanna get my bachelors without having to go through all the hoopla of getting into the nursing program. But I know that Chamberlain is also a very expensive school and while I would be fulfilling my dream on becoming a nurse I wouldn’t want to be in so much debt to get to where I wanna be. I wouldn’t want to finish school and get a great job just to be paying off a large amount of debt but at the same time I don’t wanna have to wait who knows how long to get into a nursing program.

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