I Just Don’t Learn That Way…

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      So one thing I’ve noticed with nursing school is that we practice skills with/on each other a ton in class. To be honest, this way of learning just doesn’t work for me. I need quiet in order to concentrate and really learn what I’m doing. It just makes it worse when they send us into the lab to practice with our classmates because a lot of them are just as confused as I am and we end up just making each other more confused. I would much rather practice one on one with a family member. Tomorrow, we technically don’t have class, but we are encouraged to go to the lab to practice focused assessments for our health assessment final. I honestly don’t want to go because I know it won’t get anything out of it with all the chaos of almost my entire class crammed into the skills lab. I feel like I’d benefit better by staying home and practicing on a family member/watching youtube vides on focused assessments. At the same time, I’m afraid I’ll look like I don’t care or that I’m not trying if I just don’t show up. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

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