How to confront a disrespectful professor

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      Hi, I’m a block 4 nursing student. I’m dealing with what I feel is a disrespectful nursing professor. I recently asked for an extension on a care plan and was refused saying that I’d had more than enough time to complete it and that if I didn’t turn it in on time, I wouldn’t be able to complete my clinical experience. Now, I am a 37 year old mom with 6 kids who maintained a 4.0 throughout my prerequisites and while I have not been able to maintain a 4.0, I still a reasonable GPA and have not had to repeat any blocks. The week the careplan was due, I had simulation along with its prep, a school nurse clinical along with it’s prep, normal prep for class, my bachelors program (I’m in the concurrent enrollment program) work. (And if that weren’t enough my kids seemed to be all falling apart at the same time and with my husband working 60+ hours a week, I had to handle stuff at home. I literally asked her for a few more hours to complete it. She later told me “Do not mistake my kindness for a weakness and take advantage of me trying to be fair. This is my only warning.” I honestly feel like I deserve more respect than to be treated like some slacker student who is trying to get out of an assignment. So… I am planning to confront her. By confront, I of course mean a sit down where we have a civil conversation about the matter. So my question is… How should I handle this? I want to approach her in a manner that is respectful and actually resolves the situation. But I need help figuring out how to do this. I’ve already requested an appointment with her.

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