How to be organized in med surge clinicals

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      Hi I’m in an adn program at mcc in macomb Michigan and I was wondering how you structure your day. Idk if i should look at labs first then meds and times and then their notes or go introduce myself and do the assessment first. And then look at their diagnostic tests. It’s so confusing and i can’t get a routine down. Right now i just have one patient but in a couple weeks it’ll go to 2 and the semester just started. It’s my 2nd clinical and I’m at a while different hospital with a different system. Powerchart is what it’s called. We also have to write down on a care plan as we document their assessment on the computer like what their neuro was like, musculoskeletal, etc. along with a paper with all their meds, why they’re on it and side effects. It’s so much stuff crunched in and hard for me to stay focused on one thing at a time. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!!! Btw I’m on a med surge floor.

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