Graduation coming soon — low self-confidence

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      I’m sure I’m not the only one to ever go through the wide range of emotions that come with graduating nursing school. But honestly, I don’t ever remember being this scared about anything in my life. In just a couple weeks, I will be graduating from nursing school. I already have a job lined out that is on the same floor I’ve been on as a Nurse Extern and a CNA. Last summer, I externed on the floor and my preceptor went to the manager about how well I did with the patients, and that led to a formal job offer as a CNA from the manager herself. Now the manager has wanted me as a nurse ever since the beginning of this semester, which I accepted, but the nervousness and incredible fear of actually being a nurse is finally taking over. Everyone in my class is much more outgoing and talkative than I am, and they are all so excited about getting on the floor. I am much more shy and quiet and still have issues with confidence. It makes me wonder if my personality is even cut out for this. Plus, I’m so terrified that once I’m on the floor, something will go wrong that I will have missed, or I’ll end up freezing from being so overwhelmed. Does anyone have advice on how not to psych myself out completely? Even better, are there really any nurses who are more shy and reserved? All the nurses I’ve seen throughout school are more A-type personalities, so it has left me even more confused

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