1 hour drive to school

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      Hey guys, so I went through a nursing program (ADN) in the last few years. I failed a course in my final semester of the program (for the second time) and due to this would have to reapply and start from semester one. The school I went to did not offer LPN or CNA options as you progressed through the program so despite going through most of the program, I had nothing to show for it. I am looking at schools that offer these things as you progress and have better stats in their NCLEX passing rate as well as their program passing rate. Only problem is the schools that have these are anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half away. I’m excited about going back to school and my heart is set on Nursing but I am worried about the long commute. I have two kids, and although i have a great support system, I worry about losing more time with them due to the commute. I’m determined to make it happen and I know this will benefit them in the long run. Would love to hear y’alls stories, Has anyone gone to a school far away? What was your experience? Do you have any tips to share? Thanks in advance!

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