Hi there, I am currently finishing up 3rd semester of my nursing program. And I’ve just been in a bad funk ever since the school started doing an honors society for those who have an average score of a B. Everybody in my class got invited except for 3 of us including myself. I got a B in my first semester and a C in my second semester. I get bad text anxiety and my whole adult life never been “good” at test taking despite my efforts of studying hard. Anyways, I was completely content with my grades because as long as I was passing I didn’t care whether I got a C until this so called honors society. It’s literally something I think about it every day. I feel dumb, incompetent, and not worthy of being a nurse if my grades are B’s and C’s. I’m just not smart like my fellow classmates. And now I’m thinking ahead whether I would even be able to pass 4th semester or even NCLEX. Has anybody else felt this way?